Nutritional recovery program
We are a company with an innovative vision of creating nutraceutical foods and high impact programs that are 100% available for human nutrition, mainly for vulnerable populations and those who have nutritional failures due to pathologies that induce it. Our foods allow a greater assimilation of nutrients by the body of patients with nutritional failure so the cost-effectiveness of our products far exceeds what is promoted by multinationals, in addition to being accompanied by a monitoring and adherence model, to intervene with prevention and health promotion actions for these populations.
One in ten children in Colombia suffers from malnutrition and 13.2% of all children suffer from chronic malnutrition.
The success of healthy nutrition is based on the health of the intestinal hairs.
There are several programs to bring food to both adults and children with poor nutrition, but to a large extent the objectives are not achieved or are only moderately achieved in a very long period of time.
So what is the point of providing a quantity of food to an organism that does not have the capacity to absorb its nutrients?
Yes, the food arrives, but it is largely lost due to the lack of nutritional capacity of the organism, in a population that needs to make the most of each portion of food.
Malnutrition, a real problem
A child suffering from chronic malnutrition is stunted and his or her cognitive and intellectual abilities are affected, with irreversible consequences for the rest of his or her life. In Colombia, 1 out of every 10 children suffers from malnutrition. Short stature and low weight mark the survivors for life, with an aggravating factor, their brains are literally underdeveloped, increasing their social vulnerability.
Despite the efforts of social organizations in Colombia, according to the Nutritional Status Nutritional Survey (ENSIN 2010), low birth weight increased in Colombia from 5.1% to 7.2% (directly related to the nutritional status of pregnant mothers), 13.2% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition.
Deficiencies of iron, vitamins, zinc, cellular strengthening and especially the poor health of the intestinal hairs, prevent an adult organism, boy or girl who is already in serious conditions of malnutrition, from efficiently absorbing the nutrients delivered in the daily diet and other vitamin supplements or whole protein, provided in state or private food programs or at home, in addition to maintaining a weak immune system due to its close interrelation with the digestive system.
Good bowel
Damaged bowel
What will we do about it?
At Sunnet we seek to bring an innovative solution to pre-existing initiatives in WFP and organizations with nutrition programs that improve the intake of quality, timely, safe food to the population living with hunger or undernourishment and those at risk of moderate or severe food insecurity in the region.
The Solution
M0 = Zero Malnutrition, is achieved with our “high impact, ambulatory and complementary” model to all wfp food and nutrition programs for overcoming hunger and malnutrition (hidden malnutrition) in the world, the inclusion of biotechnologically obtained nutraceuticals in existing feeding models, where monitoring and adherence are an integral part for the success of the intervention.
With the inclusion of Sunnet’s “AMBULATORY AND HIGH IMPACT NUTRITIONAL RECOVERY MODEL” within the operational programs of other organizations such as the WFP’s HZero strategy, these are:
Monitoring of anthropometric and other measurements by means of computerized tools.
Contribution of biotechnological nutraceuticals containing molecules that allow a greater assimilation of nutrients by the body, enhancing the activity of the cell, so that there is a homeostasis, from its absorption in the digestive tract, supporting the entry of other nutrients and improving not only the immune system, but also the active components in the digestive, metabolic, enzymatic and other processes.
Our model in partnership with WFP allows us to overcome malnutrition in the populations we serve:
Pregnant and lactating mothers, early childhood up to the first 5 years of life and in the remaining stages of development up to old age, who suffer from food insecurity with or without non-communicable diseases.
Goal 1
Articulate our M0 model to the different WFP strategies to obtain high-impact results.
Goal 2
Manage resources to replicate the model in the different WFP territories.
Goal 3
To reduce the percentage of malnutrition in the intervened regions.
FAO estimates that more than 1.9 billion people in the world were moderately or severely food insecure in the 2016-2018 triennium, or one in four people. Of these, more than 650 million experienced severe food insecurity. Data for Latin America indicate that 187 million people were moderately or severely food insecure. Of these, 53.7 million were severely food insecure during the same three-year period. Approximately two-thirds of this population was concentrated in South America, and the rest in Mesoamerica.